United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability(UNU-IAS)
Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-8925, Japan

Coastal forest management in the face of global change: Experience of four Asian countries

The cross-country study examined community-based coastal forest management and policies on how integrating coastal forest management with human settlement planning and local livelihoods needs can strengthen community resilience towards climate change impacts confounded with other global changes like land use-land cover change, biological invasion and loss of biodiversity and economic globalization and planetary changes like...

Liang, L., Yiu, E., Camacho, L., Gevaña, D., Oo, T., Sein, C., . . . Nagata, A. (2017). Coastal forest management in the face of global change: Experience of four Asian countries. APN Science Bulletin, 7(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2017.70