Central University of Rajasthan (CURAJ)
Bandarsindri, NH-8, Kishangarh-305801
District Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Water, energy and food securities lie at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since these securities are interconnected, the business-as-usual approach (sectoral approach) cannot achieve them and need to apply the water-energy-food nexus approach for identifying and overcoming the roots of barriers and challenges. The study aims to prioritize interlinkages between SDG-2 (food security), SDG-6...
Mitra, B., Sharma, D., Kuyama, T., Pham, B., Islam, G., & Thao, P. (2020). Water-energy-food nexus perspective: Pathway for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to country action in India. APN Science Bulletin, 10(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2020.1067
The Ganges basin provides essential water for drinking, irrigation, industrial use and power generation. Global climate change will affect the water availability in the basin and inevitably intensify the competition for water among major users, particularly from thermal power generation. Knowledge on the spatial distribution of water supply-demand gaps and the water stress for meeting...
Zhou, X., Mitra, B., Harma, D., Islam, G., Malla, R., & Herran, D. (2019). An integrated assessment of climate‑affected long‑term water availability and its impacts on energy security in the Ganges sub‑basins. APN Science Bulletin, 9(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2019.612