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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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[Closed] 2019 Calls for Proposals under the CRRP and CAPaBLE Programmes

2019 Calls for Proposals under the CRRP and CAPaBLE Programmes

The APN invites proposals under the Collaborative Regional Research Programme (CRRP) and the Capacity Development Programme (CAPaBLE) for funding from September 2020. A limited amount of financial support is available for regional research and capacity development activities that fall within its areas of interest.

High Priority Topics for Funding

APN invites trans- and interdisciplinary research and capacity development proposals that reflect the following themes:

  1. Climate change and climate variability and their related impacts (climate projections/downscaling, extreme events, DRR, monsoon, etc.)
  2. Ecosystem-based adaptation and disaster risk reduction
  3. Smart agriculture (resource allocation, livestock, food, technology transfer, innovation, extension, etc.)
  4. Transboundary issues (pollution, water quality, human health, fisheries and microplastics, invasive species, waste management, etc.)
  5. Transition towards a sustainable future
  6. Water, food and energy security

To help achieve 1 to 6, we encourage innovative data for evidence-based decision-making tools.

Topics discussed under the above themes included the following (not in priority order):

  • Improving the quality of climate change projections to address climate change impacts at national and subregional levels
  • Extreme events related to monsoon and climate change
  • Climate change and impacts on human health (physical and mental health)
  • Coastal erosion and increasing risk to infrastructure 
  • Climate change adaptation due to increased flood, drought and wildfire events
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in the context of international processes such as IPBES, IPCC, NOWPAP, AP-PLAT, etc.
  • Increasing the resilience of indigenous and local communities to climate-induced impacts
  • Addressing knowledge gaps on social vulnerability due to the impact of a changing climate and unsustainable use of biodiversity
  • Technology transfer for smart agriculture and food security
  • Policy-relevant research on the implementation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
  • Energy efficiency, GHG emissions reduction, facilitation of adoption of related mitigation policies
  • Impacts of microplastics; research on new materials to combat microplastics 
  • Transboundary air pollution and its impacts on human health

Proposals that do not address any of the above themes will not be accepted under the 2019 Call for Proposals.

Submission Procedure

  1. Before submitting any application, please ensure that APN grant scheme fits the policy of your institution. Refer to the APN Project-related Policies and Regulations.
  2. The proponent must submit a Summary Proposal by completing the submission form at APN Information System, APNIS.

For details, refer to the following links:

CRRP call for proposals:

CAPaBLE call for proposals:

Closing Date

Summary Proposals must be completed and submitted by Sunday, 10 November 2019, 23:59:59 JST.

Further inquiries on the Call for Proposal, please direct it to the online advisory service form